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Well Kept

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

”I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”

Psalm 9:1

We are a forgetful people. Like the Israelites, we tend to forget God’s faithfulness in our lives a bazillion times before, when the next storm blows through and catches us off guard. Have you been there?

What if you could begin to change the trajectory and chart a new course? A course of intentional remembering?

Some five or six years ago the Lord challenged me to do just that as I was contemplating my personal freedom in Christ one Independence Day. He called me to be intentional about making time to reflect on His goodness toward me. That led to a new tradition: a ‘Day of Remembering’ which I purpose to calendar on the same day each year.

When it rolls around, I draw away and talk to God alone, asking Him to bring His acts of faithfulness to mind. Prayerfully reflecting on all His wonderful deeds, I make a written list of all the ways I ”remember” Him being good to me that year. I conclude my time by expressing line by line, heartfelt gratitude to the Lord. And sometimes, I come home and share those recollections with my husband or family.

My lists merely treetop the countless ways God has taken care of me and fulfilled His promises, but I can say with confidence, I am a woman that feels well kept by her God.

Remembering is important. The more we reflect on His goodness, the more apt we are to remember it when times get tough again. And the more likely we are to endure tough times with God-given joy in our heart and heads held high.


How has God shown His faithfulness to you? Make plans to set aside time and reflect on what God has done for you; how He has shown Himself faithful to you, personally. Get a head start by remembering one recent act of His goodness in your life and commenting below this post.

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