“Give ear and come to Me; hear Me, that your soul may live.” Isaiah 55:3

It’s an open invitation. We’re invited to dine at God’s table. He serves up the “richest of fare”.
Those hungry or thirsty.
Those who have no means,
and those who can pay their own way.
Those who don’t even think they need a meal.
All are invited to dine at the feet of Jesus. His water quenches parched souls, and His delicacies satisfy the deepest tummy growl.
So what’s the catch, you ask? A heart that’s ready to hear what God has to say. One prepared to listen. Clean hands and pure heart kind of ready. All known sin confessed and known offenses forgiven. IF we come and listen with a heart made ready and our listening ears on, THEN the word God speaks will give life to our soul.
How? God’s Word is truth for the innermost places. It’s timely and applicable. It’s the missing link. It brings order to confusion. It rights the wrongs. It mends what was broken. It grants grace and gives courage. His Word is life giving and soul renewing.
Listening is an active word. It takes intention and effort on the part of the hearer. Verse three sums it up in a nutshell as though it were an If/Then statement. IF you give ear and come to Me (Jesus) and hear Me (Jesus), THEN your soul may live. Without the live giving, sustaining Word of God, we waste away. Our days seem humdrum and lack vigor. Purpose and direction evade us. Emotions rollercoaster at best, or go numb at worst. We find ourselves just going through the motions.
God has a better way! One that brings life back to the weary soul. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are beyond what we can ask, think, or imagine. When He rains down a personal Word and our soul receives it, we are changed. Like water that causes the seed to grow, the bud to flourish, and produces a harvest for the sower, God’s Word comes with purpose. He sees to it that it does not return void, empty, or without result. God’s Word received in the heart of the hearer always achieves the purpose for which it was sent.
A timely rhema Word from the Lord, one uttered through the power of Holy Spirit, causes us to go out with joy in our heart and peace in our soul. It makes the world around us a little brighter. The song in our heart a little louder. New growth takes place and it roots out the thorns. And all glory is due His name for the Word of the Lord is everlasting. It cannot be destroyed. The souls clings to the Word for it settles the issues of the heart.
*For deeper context, read Isaiah 55:1-3, 8-13.
Thank you for this reminder that IF we listen HE will speak to us to bring joy to our heart and peace to our soul.